I’m Erika, an email strategist + copywriter for edtech companies

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You’ve built something brilliant — an edtech product that solves a real problem in classrooms and schools.

And you want your product to help more students, educators, and schools.

But your cold emails aren’t resulting in demos. 

Or too few subscribers upgrade from trial to paid subscriptions. 

Or many of your customers churn ― or never really start using your product in the first place. 

Or your customers are rather disengaged, not the loyal, raving fans you want and need to help spread the word about your amazing product.

Email marketing can absolutely help your company grow and scale. (Email does get the best ROI of any marketing channel, after all.) But only if you do it right.

And that’s my cue…


I’m Erika. I’m an email marketing strategist + copywriter with an unfair glorious advantage: I’m a former educator + district leader too.

So not only can I develop strong email marketing strategy and write copy that converts, but I can also write in a voice your audience relates to, translate complex tech-speak into their words, and position your solutions in their terms ― because I’ve literally been in their shoes. 

Using a process that’s part science and part art, I develop email marketing strategy and copy that help edtech companies win more hearts, minds, and happy customers.

Erika Dunham, founder and edtech copywriter at Words on a Mission

There’s immense promise of edtech — but there’s also a disconnect. And that’s because edtech and educators don’t always speak the same language.  

In my 15 years working in schools and districts, I came across edtech companies that listed slick features but never clearly explained what problems their products solved. Others over-promised — or even completely ignored — results. Or their marketing materials were bland, generic, or sounded like they were written by a jargon-loving robot.   

Busy teachers and school administrators don’t have the time for lackluster marketing. They've got a few precious minutes before lunch duty or a parent meeting.

So your email marketing better capture their attention, make them feel understood, and convince them that you can solve their problems.

Otherwise, they’ll forget all about your company and move on to the much more important work of shaping young minds (#nosmalljob). Or worse, they’ll head straight to a competitor that’s better at making them feel understood and supported.

The wrong copy can cripple your sales and weaken your impact, even when your products are the best by far.

What a missed opportunity — for you AND for all those educators and students who need your help.


I know you’re on a mission —

To use the latest technology to help educators and leaders solve real problems in their classrooms and schools. 

To prepare students for an increasingly digital world — one that we can still only imagine. 

To be an unstoppable force for good.

And to run a thriving company in the process. 

I love when people and companies drive toward unapologetically big goals. After all…

Erika Dunham — founder and edtech copywriter at Words on a Mission — sits on bench with notebook beside her
Erika Dunham — founder and edtech copywriter at Words on a Mission — sits in chair by bookshelves and reads book entitled The Advertising Solution.

I’m on a mission too

To help edtech companies connect educators so great tech products get into the hands of the right people.

To make marketing clear and compelling — not generic, fluffy, or jargony.

To amplify the work of great educators and help make schools the best they can be.

Let’s join forces and make an even bigger impact together!


Want to hear more of my story?


It all started in the classroom.

I began my career as an English teacher in a public middle school in a low-income neighborhood of New York City. Standing in front of glassy-eyed teenagers all day, I quickly realized that my students would only pay attention to my lessons if I made every word count. (Or if I learned how to do backflips above a bed of nails. I chose the words.)

So every word I said was on a mission. To cut through the drone of their days. To win them over to learning. To inspire them to see themselves as smart and powerful.

I didn't know it then, but this was my start as a copywriter.

The last day of school with my 7th graders

The last day of school with my 7th graders

Erika Dunham sits on couch talking on phone

I later worked in several different school districts.

When I left the classroom, I worked in project management and product development at the New York City Department of Education. One of my roles was to help select edtech companies for a $24M contract.

After that, I led district-wide academic programs for a charter school network and consulted with school districts across the country on curricula and teacher training.

But edtech always stayed on my mind.


I fell in love with copywriting, and the rest is history.

Along the way, I found myself increasingly drawn back to my lifelong love of writing. I started copywriting on the side and got hooked by the mix of psychology and creativity. And once I discovered how much connection and communication you can build through email marketing, I never looked back.

It felt like a natural decision to bring my copywriting skills to serve edtech companies ― and, by extension, the educators I understand so well.

Since then, I’ve spent years studying with the best copywriters and marketers in the business. I’ve developed a research process that ensures my copy resonates with readers. And most importantly, I’ve gotten incredible results for my clients.

I love email marketing because it’s all about creating connections and building trusting relationships over the long term. Done right, email marketing can be relevant, personal, timely, and meaningful ― just like a professional relationship in real life.

Email marketing can make ALL the difference for companies that want to build long-term relationships with their customers ― relationships that translate into less churn, higher ARR and LTV, and maximum impact.

Erika Dunham — founder and edtech copywriter at Words on a Mission — works at desk with computer, notebooks, and plants

The best email marketing connects good people doing good work.

That matters because when edtech and educators truly join forces, every mission — even the most ambitious ones like yours — will be absolutely possible.


win MORE hearts, minds, and happy customers